Sunday, January 20, 2013


Its hard to beat Dick
If you loved X Files, and like me, you are always on the lookout for another awesome show of related genre, this just might be for you. I started watching it on Netflix Streaming on the first episode, and marathon watched it all the way through season 7. I proceeded to catch up to the current episode of season 8 on Hulu. Season 7 may turn out to be the peak of the show's run, but it is still good in 8.

What more could a guy want?: Monster Hunting, whiskey drinking, classic rock cranking, muscle car driving, save-the-chick-and-sleep-with-her-then-leave-in-the-morning-good guys-that eat hamburgers. 

Angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, evil gods, black magic, cannibals, ghosts, etc. you name it, they slay it.

Supernatural CWTV

Supernatural Wikia


Supernatural Wiki

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